Prescreen Sample Report
Prescreen products are decisioning tools that analyze a consumer’s credit file. Decide whether or not a consumer qualifies for a product or level of service.

Additional Descriptions Below.

555 West Adams St.
Chicago, IL 60661
Date Reported: 5/19/2003


Scorecard: EMPIRICA 95
Score: 510
Reasons: Serious delinquency (doesn't apply to redeveloped (1998) version of EMPIRICA)
Number of accounts with delinquency
Time since delinquency is too recent or unknown
Proportion of balances to credit limits is too high on bank revolving or other revolving accounts

Scorecard: New DELPHI
Score: 872
Reasons: Serious delinquency, derogatory public record, or collection
Past due balances
Near total credit limits, or lacks credit accounts or lacks recent credit activity
Serious delinquency, derogatory public record or collection with a balance

Ref No.: JGYEAFCRMXT1 Account No.: Level: 01 Dec. Class: A
Bureau ID: 2 Credit Limit: $5,000 Level Code: A Dec. Text: PASS
20030519101428 Max Level: 06 Level Reasons: Reasons:

Warning Messages

(OFAC)4-Default product delivered /

(OFAC)4-Default product delivered /

(OFAC)4-Default product delivered /

004: Congratulations you have been pre-approved for a credit card with a limit up to $5,000 and overdraft protection of $1,000.